Unli Rips maintains a NO RETURN/REFUND policy. Once your product(s) have been ripped, you cannot return or refund the product(s).


When you place an order to rip sealed product(s), you will be put in a queue.

Once we reach your position in the queue we will give you a minute or two to make yourself known in the livestream.

If you are not present, we will hold your name in the queue, move on to the next participant and then rip your product when you return.

If the stream ends before you make yourself known in the livestream, we will ship your product(s) SEALED.

Alternatively, you can email us at unlirips@gmail.com or DM us on Instagram if you wish to have your product(s) ripped during our next livestream.


All products under our Sealed section are available to purchase for live rips! You may also ask us what is available on stream and pay via E-transfer if you live in Canada!